Friday, December 27, 2019

High Drop-out Rate for Students Living in Poverty - 812 Words

Students who are living in poverty are more susceptible to drop out of school or not continue on to a higher education. It is nice to think that money doesn’t control people’s lives but it has a heavy impact on success. If one has a decent amount of money, they can afford a prestigious education. If not, what happens to the kids who are not privileged enough? The reasons students drop out of school heavily depend on the family’s economic status. The students who are underprivileged and come from poor families tend to drop out of school. According to Greg, â€Å"income poverty is the condition of not having enough income to meet basic needs for food, clothing and shelter† (p. 55). Children are born into these circumstances and they are unavoidable. Leo, from Unequal Fortunes, came from a run down neighborhood with low income and dead end jobs. Therefore, Leo never graduated high school. Poverty is a main cause of student drop outs because it decreases their cognitive ability, reduces their schooling achievement and keeps them from making money causing them to remain in poverty. A student’s cognitive ability is being treated by poverty. According to Dr. Pascale (2006), â€Å"Cognitive abilities are brain-based skills need[ed] to carry out any task from the simplest to the most complex†¦the mechanisms of how we learn, remember, problem-solve, and pay attention rather than with any actual knowledge† (p. 1). Cognitive abilities are the simple skills people do from day to day. There was aShow MoreRelatedHigh School Dropouts : Too Many Kids Are Leaving School Before Graduation1284 Words   |  6 PagesHigh School Dropouts Too many kids are leaving school before graduation. High school dropouts rates are increasing everyday. 7,000 students drop out of school each day. One thing that they fail to realize is the cause and effect this will have on their lives. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lord Of The Flies Diction Analysis - 1045 Words

Without the use of imagery, and diction in novels and literature, the reader would almost be left blind because they have no clue as what to visualize on how the story is meant to be explained. Throughout the whole of William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, these writing strategies are used countless times. â€Å"Imagery means to use figurative language to represent objects, actions, and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses. Usually it is thought that imagery makes use of particular words that create visual representation of ideas in our minds† (â€Å"Examples and Definition of Imagery† 1). Many of these connotations help the reader depict an image of the feelings of the children as they scour the microcosm of an island, located†¦show more content†¦From just these two points, the reader can already see in their minds, the look of the land. This will help throughout the story as it allows the reader to be educated on exactly what is ha ppening when Golding describes what the children are doing at any given time. This quote exemplifies sensory imagery as it is used in the novel. Another useful quote that pertains to the use of imagery in Goldings Lord of the Flies is, â€Å"The sky, as if in sympathy with the changes among them, was different today and so misty that in some places the hot air seemed white. The disk of the sun was dull silver as though it were nearer and not so hot, yet the air stifled† (131). The first sentence of the quote puts an image in the readers mind that as the state of the boys became more â€Å"savage† the sky reflected that becoming darker. But this time it was lighter, foggy, and stifled, as if the calm after the storm. Even without reading the pages leading up to the quote the reader can visualize that bad things happened the day before, and it was oddly calm the next day. Laube 3 As imagery is used, often times diction backs it up. Throughout the course of the novel, dic tion describes the emotion, speech, or significance of a certain scene, as well as uses keywords in the text to describe all emotion. One example of the use of diction comes on page 77 of William Goldings Lord of the Flies as Ralphs rage is displayed throughShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Native Guard 913 Words   |  4 PagesPoetry Analysis Native Guard is a poem that is built on a lot of passion and precision that makes this entire book of poetry stand out. From the beginning with the elusive imagery and foreshadowing of her childhood and her mother’s life we are easily engulfed in the lifestyle of being born in the south. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Social Enterprise Management Annals

Questions: 1. Choose either an existing social enterprise or a new/proposed social enterprise for this task. Create a diagram that represents this social enterprise. Explain the contents of the diagram.2.Work with the same social enterprise you chose in the previous task. Create a PESTEL diagram for your chosen social enterprise. Position your original diagram representing the social enterprise in the centre of the PESTEL diagram. Explain the contents of your diagram. Answers: 1. Social enterprise represents an organization that initiates commercial strategies in order to maximize improvements in environmental and human well-being within the society. Social enterprise is relative new phenomenon that primarily focuses on providing as much benefit as possible with the enhancement of the profit level. In this study, the focus would be on Akina Foundation that has focused on supporting people and organizations to drive environmental and social changes. The organization has focused on enhancing the capabilities of other organizations so that they can manufacture products on large scale. Moreover, Akina Foundation also has helped financial support to other business entities so that they can able to handle market related challenges effectively (, 2017). The business aim of Akina Foundation is to create more job opportunities within the New Zealand market. For that reason, it has always invested huge percentage of the profit on social enhancement persp ectives. The social enterprise perspectives of Akina Foundation are described through following Venn diagram: Figure 1: Social enterprise (Source: Battilana and Lee, 2014) The diagram highlighted different types of organizations including private sector, public sector and civic society organizations present in the market. Now, being a civic society organization, Akina Foundation has always focused on the economic development of the community, which has helped the organization to represent itself as a social enterprise. In fact, Akina Foundation has also focused on providing venture scale up support to other organizations so that it can create maximum job opportunities within the economy. Now, the above diagram also has highlighted a specific portion of public sector is non-profit organization. It primarily focuses on providing benefits to the society (Defourny Nyssens, 2012). However, these types of organizations cannot be considered as social enterprise, as it does not focus on generating revenue from the market. Thus, it has established the fact that social organizations will have to focus on generating revenue from the market. Otherwise, it would b e regarded as non-profit organizations that only looking to provide maximum help to all the society members. On the other hand, the above diagram also has highlighted the fact that a specific portion of the private organizations are also fall into the category of social enterprise. In the present time, many organizations have focused on providing superior level of support services to community so that it can go ahead on the root of prosperity. Now, the focus organization Akina Foundation has always tried to provide majority of the profit revenue for providing help in enlarging their scale of productions. In fact, Akina Foundation has also conducted different workshops for ensuring that all these organizations gather proper skill in running large size operational process in an effective manner (He, Zha Li, 2013). Akina Foundation also have focused on providing effective advisory services to different business entities in order to ensure they remain well accustomed with the advance t echnologies and also for providing proper information regarding the changing trends of the market. In fact, it has also provided advisory services to different start up organizations so that they can able to tackle initial challenges in an appropriate manner. 2. According to Muller (2012) PESTEL analysis is among the popular tools that allow organizations to assess present industry situation effectively. As a result, it would provide major assistance in developing business objectives and marketing strategies for achieving success in the desired market. Now, business objectives of social enterprises like Akina Foundation have always focused on providing maximum support services both financially and knowledge wise for ensuring success in the market. The PESTEL analysis of Akina Foundation is as follows: Political: Political factor reflects the degree to which government intervenes within the market sector. Political factors include different policies, rules and agreement that organizations need to follow for fulfilling the business objectives. Now, social enterprises always receive superior help and support services from all the government rules and regulations so that it can create positive impact on the well being of the society (Shabanova et al., 2015). For instance, New Zealand government has provided huge cut in the tax rate for ensuring the profit level of the organization remains at the higher level. Economical: Economic factor focuses on inflation rate, exchange rate and interest rate, as it can have massive impact on the overall profit level of a business entity. Now, New Zealand government has focused on developing separate rules and regulations for the social enterprises compared to any normal profit organization. For instance, companies like Akina Foundation have received huge amount financial support from the government so that they can able to establish its presence in the entire economy. Social: Social factor focuses on different demographic factors including population growth rate, health consciousness and age, as it can also have major impact on the overall business perspectives of the organizations. Specifically, as Akina Foundation is focusing on providing proper knowledge to the new business entities, it has become necessary to analyze the exact impact social factors can have on the business perspective. Moreover, social factors also help Akina Foundation for recruiting required amount of resources for fulfilling all the activities. Technological: As highlighted by Neuman and Robson (2012) technology is among the most significant factors that can have major impact on the overall profit level of the organization. Now, Akina Foundation has conduct different market survey for assessing the future trends of the business. For that reason, it has also had to include advance technologies for fulfilling all the business processes. Environmental: Environmental factors focuses on the aspects like climate change and weather, as it can have major impact on the business level of many sector. For that reason, Akina Foundation also will have to assess the kind of challenges it might have to face due to any change in the environmental condition. Moreover, it would also induce Akina Foundation to initiate changes in different advisory services. Legal: All the organizations have to maintain legislative rules and regulations for sustaining growth in future as well. Social enterprises like Akina Foundation also have to focus on the regulations like employment law, consumer law, health law and safety law for fulfilling all the business objectives. Figure 2: PESTEL analysis (Source: Ridley-Duff and Bull, 2015) References:, (2017).?kina Foundation.?kina Foundation. Retrieved 28 February 2017, from Battilana, J., Lee, M. (2014). Advancing research on hybrid organizingInsights from the study of social enterprises.The Academy of Management Annals,8(1), 397-441. Defourny, J., Nyssens, M. (2012). The EMES Approach of Social Enterprises in a Comparative Perspective. He, W., Zha, S., Li, L. (2013). Social media competitive analysis and text mining: A case study in the pizza industry.International Journal of Information Management,33(3), 464-472. Muller, E. (2012).Innovation interactions between knowledge-intensive business services and small and medium-sized enterprises: an analysis in terms of evolution, knowledge and territories(Vol. 11). Springer Science Business Media. Neuman, W. L., Robson, K. (2012). Basics of social research: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Ridley-Duff, R., Bull, M. (2015).Understanding social enterprise: Theory and practice. Sage. Shabanova, L. B., Ismagilova, G. N., Salimov, L. N., Akhmadeev, M. G. (2015). PEST-Analysis and SWOT-Analysis as the most important tools to strengthen the competitive advantages of commercial enterprises.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,6(3), 705.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Is Unwealthy A Word Analysis Essay Example

Is Unwealthy A Word Analysis Essay Howard Zinns book passionate declaration, was very interesting in the first chapter American Ideology he talks about the end result of these instances was many if not all of these inferior people were killed. He also talks about how we favor the rich and neglect the poor and that it should be the other way around that life should be an entirely different way. That because of Reagan many issues came to be, Because of Reagan this country is the way it is! Although we live in a democratic country, The ideas of ethical behaviors that were formulated by our forefathers has condemned us to accept them as right. â€Å"Thus we grow up in a society where our choice of idea is limited and where certain ideas are dominant† which is very much true unless you have money your ideas will never be heard, it’s very rare where someone who is unwealthy is hear amongst millions. The only time you are really heard is where you die a tragic death. In chapter 2; Machiavellian Realism and U. S. Foreign Policy: Means and Ends. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Unwealthy A Word Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Is Unwealthy A Word Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Is Unwealthy A Word Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Howard zinn talks about, what kind of society we want? And how will we get it? â€Å" The instance of building more nuclear weapons when we already possess more than enough to destroy the world†¦ allowing the police to arrest any person on the street refusing to move on when ordered†¦ and consider how often a parent [usually a father] has said to a son or daughter: its good to have idealistic visions of a better world but your living in the real world, so act accordingly† This have all had an effect one or more times in my life. Some may refer to me as a hippie because I’m all about peace on this world or because I refuse to eat animals such as chickens, cows, goats anything with a heartbeat, but my beliefs are my beliefs. I do believe a world without weapons would be wonderful, a world where I don’t have to walk down the street and a cops going to stop me cause he believes I’m being somewhat â€Å"suspicious†. Of course I would love for this world to speak up and use our words rather that use our weapons or hands to harm one another. You ever see a person get called something and notice how one simple word such as â€Å"ugly† can completely set them off and just then you see this person react in a way that they use their words completely to prove a point on how, the specific word you called or used is in no way or fact them on how they spent all that time to prove one person wrong. I wish the world worked in words. I wish we didn’t have to tell our children that this is the world, so act accordingly. I was one of those children, whose father told them that, and my dreams were crushed instantly, I was 9.